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Student Mentors
Student Mentors
Committed to increasing the awareness of the world, it's people and cultures by promoting geographic literacy activities in diverse settings on a consistent basis
Adrija Kundu
Omkar Gadewar
Prithvi Narayanan
Ayan Kichambare
Aadi Gadekar
Ashmith Kumbala
Abhiram Kapaganty
Akshath Kandadai
Soham Dihenia
The GeoEd Foundation offers mentoring opportunities to former GeoBee students who are currently in high school. This requires an exclusive commitment to the foundation with no affiliation with other individuals and organizations that are routinely involved in any type of GeoBee work.
Mentorship is a relationship in which a more experienced individual helps to guide a less knowledgeable person. It is a process for the informal transmission of knowledge, social capital, and the psycho-social support perceived by the recipient as relevant to study, work, career, or professional development. Mentoring is dependent on communication, using a variety of modalities (face to face, skype, email, phone, texting, etc) over a sustained period of time, between a person who is perceived to have greater relevant knowledge, wisdom, or experience (the mentor) and a person who is perceived to have less (the mentee). Mentoring is often effective because it is a partnership between someone with vast experience and someone in a position to learn.
The mentoring program is a service provided to the students of the GeoEd Foundation. Mentoring occurs in small groups to maximize the benefits to individual mentees. The program fosters a sense of community and friendship among students. It also allows for the formation of one-on-one relationships between mentor and mentee, creating a safe, supportive environment for learning and development.
Opportunities to mentor younger students are open to not only the alumni of the GeoEd Foundation but also other high school students, provided they have the GeoBee knowledge and a willingness to contribute to the GeoBee community. In exchange for their work with the Foundation, mentors receive volunteer hours for community service. These hours are valued highly by admissions officers during the college application process. Outstanding mentors may also have the opportunity to contend for leadership positions in the Foundation.
Mentors are expected to work at least one to two hours weekly, abide by the expectations set forth by the Foundation, and safeguard the interests and resources of the Foundation. After an initial screening, each applicant is expected to complete the required training prior to the assignment of mentoring duties.
Please use the contact section above to express your interest in mentoring and to initiate procedures for screening and training.